Rodebjer ensures that all products are meticulously checked in a quality control before being dispatched to our customers. We work hard to avoid the emergence of damages or defects in our products. Should you find that an item despite this is damaged or otherwise defective, please contact our customer support for further consultation. Please include order number, description of the damage and images.
You will be replaced with a new sample of the item in question, if a new one is available. If not, you will be refunded with the original cost of the item and the return cost, unless the defect can be repaired. If the damaged item followed an order containing other purchased item(s) the cost of the original delivery will not be repaid.
You are asked to always examine your received products already at the time of delivery and as soon as possible report any deviations from your order confirmation to us. We will return your funds as soon as possible, at the latest within 30 days from the date you returned the item and it was received by Rodebjer, and we have established that the item is damaged or otherwise defective. Always save your receipt. The funds will be returned to your original method of payment.